Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Scoutmaster Mike: My Son's Commitments

Yeah, I know, this is two SMM entries in a row, but I thought it only fitting to mention the fact that my son also went through N.L.S. and he has also made a contract that will allow him to put the leadership skills he has learned this past weekend into play.

By virtue of the difference between being 40 and being 12, Nick's goals are a little different than mine, but I was rather impressed to see what he decided that he wanted to do. His first goal was that he wanted to take a more active role in teaching basic scout skills to the younger scouts. To that end, he has been preparing an Orienteering course that he can teach to the Scouts that are still looking to complete their First Class requirements. His first session of doing this training is tonight. We shall see how it goes.

The next goal he set was to help promote the Dance Team in the Lodge and, to that effect, getting more youth involved with the Lodge in general. I liked this one since it dovetails nicely into some of the goals that I want to achieve as well, so we have some common ground on which we can both work.

His last objective is one I wonder if his mom is going to be thrilled with (LOL!). He's stated that he wants to help plan the next fellowship event that the Lodge puts on, as well as become more involved with the Lodge Executive Committee and participate in their meetings effectively (methinks this may be a way of him jockeying for a position as a Vice Chief at the Lodge level in the future). I've told him that any position that specifically participates with the Lodge Executive Committee is a pretty big one, and that it could mean a lot of time involvement, but as of now he seems intent on participating. Very cool :).

So tonight we shall see how much he has learned from the Leadership course, and I guess it's also a chance to see how much I have learned, and if I am genuinely willing to step back and let him do what he needs to do without undue interference. Either way, good luck, Nick, I'm proud of you for taking the initiative :).

1 comment:

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Michael, I just added your blog to my roll and now I can see when you post, so it's been fun checking in on you. . .You must be really proud of Nick, he seems like such a nice, motivated young man. A chip off the old block, but an individual, too. Someday, I hope he and my Emma can be friends. . s